Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Review: Kingdoms of Ether by Ryan Muree

The kingdoms are based on the use of multicolored magical emanations called ether, perceptible to the gifted. It's a well-crafted universe full of intrigues and steam-punk style adaptations of advanced technology, even pollution and exploitation in 'ether mines'.

On top of that the attraction of star-crossed lovers from different kingdoms unfolds. A botched burglary in the Stadhold repository of grimoires gives a rebellious Scribe the chance to escape and follow her dream of becoming a Caster. And as the kingdoms disintegrate into chaos and war around them, she and the Revel squadron of magical combat talents she's joined might be the best hope to root out corruption from all the realms.

It's very well written, and the young lovers confronting the problems at all scales never seem outlandish. None of the characters are without depth and unique personality either.


