http://blog.myspace.com/helgaleena The original location of Helgaleena says-- has been scrambling all the links and labeling them spam. I can't stay there.
Thought I'd put in Frida Kahlo to bless the commencement of my offering the highlights from there over here.
I started helgaleena says back when I earned the title of Senior editor at Aphrodites Apples Press, a fine endeavor that fell apart too soon. The blogging kept me sane through rough times between there and the birth of Dark Roast Press. I have stepped into the larger world of the Internet and escaped the confines of my own personal engines of self-defeat. So many at Myspace I have come to love and admire, like Livejournal before it.
But I can't be labeled a spammer and my Press a phishing site without some sort of consequences. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=225855388 February 4 2007 was my first post, a listing of all the myspace groups i was joining.
Next, http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=228021674 Tyree Kimber, author of Apocalypse Woman the excellent paranormal erotic fantasy we have since had the pleasure of re-releasing at Dark Roast Press http://www.darkroastpress.com , got satirical about the World of Warcraft, that devourer of brains. I hadn't laughed so much since the National Lampoon's Bored of the Rings.
Yes, they were the obscure times, the best and worst of times. I remain dead serious about my veneration for His/Her Noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster as the liminal guardian of absurdity in the human psyche. Only by this standard can we judge what is nonlogic.
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=229348281 As I said then...
I admit, not everyone can see the beauty of this universally balanced symbolic evocation of androgyny and healthy hedonism. Male and female, sentient and inert, protein and carbohydrate, solid and liquid, nuturing and withholding, static and dynamic, attack and embrace, the raw and the cooked, all are evoked simultneously by this iconography. Not since I became acquainted with the avatar of Vishnu as Lord Jaganatha have I been so moved by the depiction of a deity. My personal leanings had always been toward the abstract and ineffable understanding of the divine. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=234874853
Take it from helgaleena: so-called parody religions are the healthiest.
I admit, not everyone can see the beauty of this universally balanced symbolic evocation of androgyny and healthy hedonism. Male and female, sentient and inert, protein and carbohydrate, solid and liquid, nuturing and withholding, static and dynamic, attack and embrace, the raw and the cooked, all are evoked simultneously by this iconography. Not since I became acquainted with the avatar of Vishnu as Lord Jaganatha have I been so moved by the depiction of a deity. My personal leanings had always been toward the abstract and ineffable understanding of the divine. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=234874853
Take it from helgaleena: so-called parody religions are the healthiest.
That is the foundation of my ministry to romance editing-- my admittedly obscure perception of beauty and harmony at its widest embrace.
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=238946502 was the International Womens Day post 2007. There are some important images there. Sadly, slavery worldwide, including sexual slavery, has since been on the rise-- or at least more in the news. Here is a 2009 example: http://helgaleena.mylivepage.com/blog/141/1683_The_Lord%27s_Army_from_Hell
As we do offer BDSM erotic romances, I think it's wise to point out that it only is acceptable as play.
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=153752216&blogId=239085307 Speaking of romantic role play, these were memorable hook-up strategies for Star Wars enthusiasts. Muwahaha, Helga the Hutt recommended.
Ah but now I am blogging weary and shall resume the retrospective in another post.
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