Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Victoria Marmot and the Dragon's Rage, Victoria Marmot and the Road to Hell by Virginia McClain --YA review

Victoria Adelaide Marmot is a one-off incredible heroine you will instantly like and if she doesn't succeed in saving the universe, you will never get to meet her. So read any one of her series of adventures while you have this chance.

I was plunged into the midst of her struggles and updated on the previous developments very smoothly in the course of the adventure, meaning I felt no lack from not having begun with volume 1 at all. That's a great skill by itself. And although I do feel a bit of itch to find out what happens when Vic manages to use her dimension-hopping ability to claw her way back to Earth AGAIN (because in this volume alone she leaves and returns several times), I am comfortably aware that because I am here and typing this review, she did make it. Because the Universe is still here; the villain got thwarted.

Well, all right, I'd like to know more and I will probably try to get a few more volumes into my reader, because Vic and her colleagues are an international, inter-species magical shifter supernatural rainbow of diversity, including gods and demons. There is snogging and flirting but it remains YA suitable without sacrificing realism very much.

I think the shocking sexy stuff happened more in volume 3 where she meets the succubus :D

 Victoria Marmot and the Road to Hell

 Yes, that is our Victoria on the cover. She hasn't even assumed her final form!

The witty asides, and breaking of the fourth wall (in which Vic berates the author for dropping her from the frying pan into the fire repeatedly) continue in this final volume of the series. Goddess Gwyn explains things, Vic and her friends manage to save the universe and what is more, save her loving family as Vic finds it within her to finally forgive.

Any story with a succubus among the good guys and polyamory front and center is going to mention sex, but is through tasteful elisions and fully YA compliant IMO. Only kissing. And there is a kitten.

Highly recommended, entire series.
"I received a free review copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review."


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