My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What to expect from SHE :
Chronology: set in the Future (science fiction-space opera)
Romantic pairing(s)-- MF with some human-alien implied
Supernatural content-- no
Kink level-- low to medium
Suspense level-- medium
I would say that the work of Nera Ragno, whose name in Latin signifies 'Black Widow spider', is approximately equal parts suspense and satire. Imagine if you will a universe where the spider who visited Miss Muffet was actually an intelligent extra-terrestrial being, and that he brought her home to meet the family, where they and their descendants lived happily ever after!
Upon this foundation myth, project an interplanetary empire ruled by a superior species, the Spider Queens and the aristocracy of breeding warriors which sustains the product of their coupling. That, dear readers, is the Forbidden Zone, where Nera's ancestress, She Bel Gomma, seeks love, adventure and romance-- plus a good fish dinner.
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