GLBT Promo Blog: Interview with Angela Sparrow, author of Power in ...: Interview with Angela Sparrow, author of Power in the Blood | sugarbeatsbooks.com
This is a pretty decent interview with one of my 'heroes', author Angelia Sparrow. I first met her in fan-fiction days, when she was mainly known to me through her Luke and Han Star Wars slash. Then I learned more of her through her long-gone Geocities site. About the time she decided to become a truck driver and go into professional writing with Naomi Brooks, she granted me the great privilege of beta reading some things which have appeared at other presses. Those books are For Love of Etarin (MM scifi) and Kestrel on the Horizon (MM pirate historical)
Quite soon after, Dark Roast Press was born, and Angelia's future BDSM series, Nikolai, lost its publisher and needed a new home. We were all too glad to provide it!
The covers above all contain bits from this heavy-duty series set in the 'Confederate States of America'. There is also a short called 'Breakers' in our Free Sampler Anthology, Barista's Choice . In 2012 we look forward to publishing the next in the series, Nick and Corban.
Angelia has also added to our anthology The Dark Season. She goes to lots of conventions and manages to have a family life too! Yup, she's my hero.
Stay tuned to Dark Roast Press for more of her talented tough love!
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